

LammpsIO LammpsIO Created on 21 September 2018 @author: Robert Ivancic


LammpsIO.NetCDFIO() Input and output of LAMMPS trajectories in NetCDF (AMBER).
LammpsIO.DumpIO() Input and output LAMMPS trajectories in dump (lammpstrj) format.

NetCDFIO Methods

LammpsIO.NetCDFIO.OpenO(nc_file_name) Opens NetCDF file for output.
LammpsIO.NetCDFIO.Sett(f, t) Sets timestep t of frame f
LammpsIO.NetCDFIO.SetBB(f, bb_t) Sets box boundaries of frame f.
LammpsIO.NetCDFIO.SetPos(f, pos_t) Sets particle positions (coordinates) at frame f
LammpsIO.NetCDFIO.SetDataCol(f, label, …) Sets a data column at frame f
LammpsIO.NetCDFIO.CloseO() Closes output NetCDF file
LammpsIO.NetCDFIO.OpenI(nc_file_name) Opens NetCDF file for input.
LammpsIO.NetCDFIO.NumDims() Outputs number of dimensions of current simulation being read.
LammpsIO.NetCDFIO.NumFrames() Outputs number of frames of current simulation being read.
LammpsIO.NetCDFIO.NumParts() Outputs number of particles of current simulation being read.
LammpsIO.NetCDFIO.Gett(f) Gets timestep t of frame f
LammpsIO.NetCDFIO.GetBB(f) Gets box boundaries (BB) of frame f.
LammpsIO.NetCDFIO.GetPos(f) Gets particle positions (coordinates) at frame f
LammpsIO.NetCDFIO.GetDataCol(f, label) Sets a data column at frame f
LammpsIO.NetCDFIO.CloseI() Closes input NetCDF file

DumpIO Methods

LammpsIO.DumpIO.OpenO(dump_file_name) Opens dump file for output.
LammpsIO.DumpIO.Sett(t) Sets timestep t of current frame
LammpsIO.DumpIO.SetBB(bb_t) Sets box boundaries (BB) of current frame
LammpsIO.DumpIO.SetPos(pos_t) Sets particle positions of current frame
LammpsIO.DumpIO.SetDataCol(label, data_col_t) Sets particle positions of current frame
LammpsIO.DumpIO.WriteNextFrame() Writes the next frame to the dump file.
LammpsIO.DumpIO.CloseO() Closes output file for dump
LammpsIO.DumpIO.OpenI(dump_file_name) Opens lammpstrj file for input
LammpsIO.DumpIO.LoadNextFrame() Loads next frame in the dump (lammpstrj) file.
LammpsIO.DumpIO.SortByID() Sorts particles of all arrays by their id
LammpsIO.DumpIO.NumDims() Outputs number of dimensions of current simulation being read.
LammpsIO.DumpIO.NumFrames() Outputs number of frames of current simulation being read.
LammpsIO.DumpIO.NumPartsCurrentf() Outputs number of particles in current frame.
LammpsIO.DumpIO.Gett() Gets timestep t of current frame.
LammpsIO.DumpIO.GetBB() Gets box boundary (BB) of current frame.
LammpsIO.DumpIO.GetPos() Gets particle positions (coordinates) of current frame
LammpsIO.DumpIO.GetDataCol(label) Gets data column of current frame
LammpsIO.DumpIO.CloseI() Closes input (reading) dump file.